
Transition, 2009, lambda prints on 8 fluorescent lamps, each print: 50.8 x 76.2 cm, overall dimensions: 600 x 810 x 330 cm. ( W x L x H ).

กลาย, ๒๕๕๒, แลมด้า ปริ้นต์บนไฟนีออน ขนาด ๖๐๐ x ๘๑๐ x ๓๓๐ ซม.
ขนาดของแลมด้า ปริ้นต์แต่ละแผ่น ๕๐.๘ x
๗๖.๒ ซม.

Concept: The camera can capture the colour of natural light in which sometime the bare eyes can’t.
The image of the fluorescent lamp turns yellow in the morning and becomes more bluish in the evening. In the installation, the fluorescent lamps are being used as light boxes. Because of the transparent quality of lambda prints, the images of a fluorescent lamp's "off " switch appear as the lights are being turned on. read more